
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my coursework projects.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Image anaylsis and Composition

In this post i will be comparing two images from two different films. The first is;

In this image we see a long establishing shot of some lovely fields in the mid day sun. the origins of this picture are unsure to me, but at a guess i would say that it could of been a shot unused in The Lord of the Rings, looking down on Hobbiton. anyway, in this shot the background does show fields expanding along the horizon. the usage of this shot and the light reflecting upon the fields makes the background look almost magical, and better yet, a place people would want to visit, for its picturesque surroundings. however, in the foreground we see a dead tree, which is in the upper third of the shot, and far to the left. this could show that not all is as it seems, and that there is something more eerie hidden among this beautiful landscape. Also with it being in the far left, all attention should automatically go to it, again relating to the feeling that all is not as it seems.

This second shot is from the film Black Swan. in this shot we the main character looking into a broken mirror. the resemblance of the broken mirror shows that there is a horror lurking within the beauty of the main character, with her beautiful make up and pretty dress. also, she is looking straight at the camera (through the mirror) it allows us to see the stress she is actually going through her mind, underneath her false sense of beauty. Also the lighting only shines from one side, making one side seeming beautiful, and the other, darker, a hint at dual personality perhaps.

This anaylsis of these two shots have allowed me to look at my own shots and make a few changes. for example, in the crucial scene with the only bit of dialogue, i will make my character be looking down through the dialogue, until the final line where she will say the devastating line before skipping off. this will add to dramatic effect, as looking into someones eyes can be seen as looking straight into their souls, and restricting this ability makes her seem more mysterious and dangerous.

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