
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my coursework projects.

Friday 10 February 2012

Costume and Props

Throughout the film that i have made, there will only be two characters, and virtually no props.
The first of my characters is Victoria Taylor, played by Amy Woods, the what appears to be the main antagonist. she wears black ugg boots, blue jeans and a black hoodie. he reason she wears his is because i wanted her to seem as dark as possible - black clothing etc- but also still being able to be recognized as a normal teenage girl - the jeans. she wears the hood up so that it covers her face, this is so that we cant truly see what she looks like until the final scene. doing this allows us to reserve the ability of the viewer of being able to know the characters, this can seem relatively scary for some. she also wears black gloves, the reason being so that we can see as little of her skin as possible, this enables her to still be completely black besides the colour of her face, hence causing more mystery to her.
The other character is James Hamilton, played by Oli Wellham, this character wears a purple hoodie, jeans, and a white jumper. the reason i picked these sets of clothing is because the viewer - with the main target audience being teenagers to early twenties - can easily relate to him with the jeans and hoodie. the white jumper is there for a usage of the stereotypical black vs white, darkness vs light, good vs evil, but in this case the bad side wins. he wears his hood down for the majority so that we can see his face completely, allowing us to sympathies with him, as he flees from his attacker.

the usage of these sets of clothing is mainly so that the viewer can distinguish which side they should be connecting with, and also so that the can also feel the fear that James feels as he tries to escape from his attacker, Victoria. 

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