
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my coursework projects.

Friday 20 January 2012

filming ideas

In this post i will put forth my ideas for the film opening i will be creating. they are as follows;

Fades from black to production logo - A Head In The Hole Production (own) and then director, fades to black (10sec)
fades from black to a long establishing shot of a peaceful wood. Birds tweeting in background (8sec)
Feet runs past camera and down path, camera pans to follow (5secs)
C/c to a free camera shot from in front of her running at same pace backwards (4secs)
C/c to high angle shot of her running, inside, up a bank, looking down. 20metres distance (6secs)
C/c to her eyes looking panicked, over the shoulder, looking back (2secs)
C/c to running behind her getting closer (4secs)
she falls, camera in front a few meters away (1 sec)
she looks back as a reaction shot (1 sec)
low angle shot of her on floor looking at attacker, foot steps in front of camera, halving screen, she screams (5secs)
blood splatters to ground (paint - optional) hand falls dramatically into it (5 secs)
C/c to bottom of legs, pans up to contorted evil face, edited to make eyes black, takes gasp of breath and blackness disappears (optional) confused how he got there, sees body, says dialogue to the effect of "not again, you should really control yourself" another gasp, goes back to blackness (again optional) says in darker and playful voice "but its so fun" walks off whistling (26 secs max)
fades to black (2sec)
fades from black to old man sat on a bench in peaceful park, reading newspaper, front headline says "Bipolar killer escapes local nut house" (10secs)
C/c to peaceful wood, establishing shot, maniacal laugh (5secs)
fades to black (2secs)
name of film appears, then turns to blood and drips down and off screen, long low toning beat comes in (15 secs)
film length - 1:51 mins
film name ideas - "Wrong Expectations" "Who is out there" "dont listen" "inside me here lies, what?"

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