
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my coursework projects.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Film or Print Breif

In this piece of coursework I will be writing, directing and editing a opening scene to a film that I have created.I will be doing two tasks - a prelim task and main task. the main task involves the film I will be creating, the titles and opening scene of a new fiction film, with a maximum of being two minutes long. The prelim task involves a continuity task demonstrating match on action, shot/ reverse shot, and the 180 degree rule. My opening scene for the main task, is based on some ideas from the opening scene from Silence of the Lambs, however the main plot is entirely different. There are also a few ideas taken from Dog Soldiers, with it being in a big English wood, no body else around, and something being out there, but not sure what. Also, some of the camera work, especially the close up shots are taken from ideas from Falling Down. All the rest of the film, was entirely original.

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