
Welcome to my AS foundation portfolio blog. Here you will find research and planning, construction evidence, and evaluation for my coursework projects.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Evaluation Question Three

The Production Process:
Producing my footage would have to have gone through several different stages to be official, including the Production phase and the Distribution phase. These two stages happen in 5 main parts:
-The Planning phase, where you think of ideas, what will the final product look like, genre, audience and content
-Research phase, where you look at current oppositions and what is already on the market and how similar they are to your idea, and then change in accordance to the results, and who their target audience is
-The Story board phase, where you create story boards in order to have a visual aid to be able to see what the product will look like
-The Construction phase, this is where you create the product to meet that of an industrial size, going out to locations and shooting
-The Distribution phase, where you pitch the product to either a niche or mainstream audience, depending on the design of the product, and if it is commercial or independent

Publishing - Throughout my work, I have been comparing my own work to that of Dog Soldiers, as they are both horror and I based most of the camera skills and techniques on the footage from Dog Soldiers (see Evaluation Question One), I think that the best company to publish my film would be the The Noel Gay Motion Picture Company. The reason being that they appear to focus, or at least have an interest in horror or high in action films, not only did they publish Dog Soldiers, but they also covered Trainspotting and Pasty Faces.

Distribution - For the distribution side of the product, I would suggest the Luxembourg Film Fund. The reason being that they distributed Dog Soldiers across the world. They also appear to look into horror and action related films such as Minotaur and The Lost Battalion. These films are not particularly well known, and Minotaur is directed by an English director, this is another reason why I would chose the Luxembourg Film Fund, as they focus on small budget films from not very well know directors, and it takes on English directors also.

Advertisement - For the advertisement section, I would probably use social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The reason being that it can be free to advertise on these sites, also the word of mouth technique has been recently adapted to the 21st Century, and to Web 2.0, with people talking to each other, news can be spread on social networking sites almost as quick as using billboards on commonly used motorways.

Distributing- For distributing, I would most likely use big name franchises such as HMV and Blockbuster. The reason being that these big name franchises can afford to take a risk in taking on small name films such as my own. They are also known for distributing a wide range of products, and getting in with the big franchises could not only help distribute it, but the general public knowing that my product is distributed by big names could help advertise it as well.

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